Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Power of Myth--Michele Timko (Marketing and Media Relations)

The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell is an exhilarating exploration of mythology and world religions. Raised as a Roman Catholic, Campbell became fascinated with Native American myths at a young age. He was intrigued by the many similarities he found in the stories of these disparate cultures, and this sparked his interest in comparative mythology.

Far from being an attack on religion, Campbell’s works help to illuminate the beauty of the religious experience as seen through the eyes of the different cultures of the world. He finds that many of the underlying stories are the same, taking on the “accent” of the local society. He describes mankind’s universal quest to answer questions about our world and our selves.

This book helps the reader to understand the themes behind the myth, the symbolism in religion, and to search for the “god”, the holy, within ourselves. Above all, Campbell reminds us to seek the beauty in the experience of being alive and to always follow our bliss.

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